ACE FX Currency Exchange Rates
ACE FX Euros Rate Euros 1.172 879.00 See Deal
ACE FX US Dollars Rate US Dollars 1.28 960.00 See Deal
ACE FX Turkish Lira Rate Turkish Lira 41.448 31,086.00 See Deal
ACE FX Japanese Yen Rate Japanese Yen 188.105 141,078.75 See Deal
ACE FX Australian Dollars Rate Australian Dollars 1.881 1,410.75 See Deal
ACE FX Thai Baht Rate Thai Baht 41.663 31,247.25 See Deal
ACE FX UAE Dirham Rate UAE Dirham 4.654 3,490.50 See Deal
ACE FX Canadian Dollars Rate Canadian Dollars 1.75 1,312.50 See Deal
ACE FX Polish Zloty Rate Polish Zloty 4.926 3,694.50 See Deal
ACE FX Kuwaiti Dinars Rate Kuwaiti Dinars 0.376 282.00 See Deal
ACE FX Bahrain Dinar Rate Bahrain Dinar 0.467 350.25 See Deal
ACE FX Omani Rial Rate Omani Rial 0.482 361.50 See Deal
ACE FX Jordan Dinar Rate Jordan Dinar 0.894 670.50 See Deal
ACE FX Swiss Francs Rate Swiss Francs 1.09 817.50 See Deal
ACE FX Singapore Dollars Rate Singapore Dollars 1.65 1,237.50 See Deal
ACE FX New Zealand Dollar Rate New Zealand Dollar 2.079 1,559.25 See Deal
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ACE FX Barbados Dollar Rate Barbados Dollar 2.482 1,861.50 See Deal
ACE FX Saudi Riyal Rate Saudi Riyal 4.704 3,528.00 See Deal
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ACE FX Chinese Yuan Rate Chinese Yuan 8.737 6,552.75 See Deal
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ACE FX Swedish Krona Rate Swedish Krona 13.1 9,825.00 See Deal
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ACE FX Czech Koruna Rate Czech Koruna 28.894 21,670.50 See Deal
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ACE FX Phillipino Peso Rate Phillipino Peso 68.56 51,420.00 See Deal
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ACE FX Kenyan Shilling Rate Kenyan Shilling 155.089 116,316.75 See Deal
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ACE FX Jamaican Dollar Rate Jamaican Dollar 192.276 144,207.00 See Deal
ACE FX Hungarian Forint Rate Hungarian Forint 460.64 345,480.01 See Deal
ACE FX Costa Rica Colon Rate Costa Rica Colon 608.372 456,279.01 See Deal
ACE FX South Korea Won Rate South Korea Won 1627.51 1,220,628.75 See Deal
ACE FX Indonesian Rupiah Rate Indonesian Rupiah 18330.7 13,748,025.88 See Deal
ACE FX Vietnam Dong Rate Vietnam Dong 29522.6 22,141,970.21 See Deal

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